The AMC 1 wharf extension at the Australian Marine Complex (AMC) increases berthing capacity for users of the common user facility. It has been designed to accommodate current and future classes of Royal Australian Navy (RAN) vessels and supports full-cycle docking for maintenance and upgrade activities.
Stage 1 of the project involved the design and construction of a 153m wharf extension to AMC Berth 1, associated berth pocket deepening alongside the wharf extension, a new substation and services building, upgrades to the existing 60Hz vessel power supply system, and upgrades to the fire water system, potable water, and sewer supply services to vessels. These works were constructed alongside an existing operational wharf.
A new finger wharf was designed for the proposed Berths 7 and 8 which will further extend the capability of the AMC facility to accommodate larger navy vessels and full cycle docking of existing Collins Class and Future Attack Class submarines.
Geomarine delivered the project in an internal joint venture with sister company, Ertech.